Monday, June 4, 2012

True Peace

Well, I am back Blogging. If you wonder where I am getting my Scriptures and would like to follow on a daily basis, I am using the Bible reading calendar of The Gideons International. You can get this reading plan from their website.
Today’s reading is taking from the Gospel of John, Chapter 14

John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

Peace is a choice, it is something we can take hold of and claim for ourselves, or it is something we can reject and pass over. Jesus is speaking to His closest friends, His companions for 3 years, and those who are going to be carrying on the message of Christ. These men were promised peace by their Lord. This peace will be so special and mysterious that the world will never comprehend it. Jesus was extremely clear that He was leaving His peace with them. This holy peace, a peace that only comes from the glory of God, would be theirs for the taking. Why would they need this peace? Well, for one reason the disciples, in a few hours, would witness the brutal murder of Jesus, the confusion and elation of the resurrection morning, and then, for the rest of their lives, be pursued and persecuted for their faith. They were going to need divine peace to be effective Apostles. However, each of them had to choose to receive the peace that Jesus was giving to them. Judas Iscariot chose another path. Jesus offered this peace because of His love for them and because He knew they were going to need it.
The same is true for us today. Jesus offers His peace to us and like the Apostles we have a choice to accept it or reject it. We often believe that peace is the absence of conflict; that Jesus was supposed to bring peace to the world and no more conflict would exist, thus making the world a better place. However, the Bible never says that. In fact, if you read the Bible you will soon find out that this world is not going to get better, but rather it is going to get worse (read Revelation).
Jesus is offering His peace to those who love Him. Who are those who love Him? Verse 23 of that same chapter says “Jesus answered and said to him, "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.” The peace that Jesus offers is yours for the taking, but that will mean you will have to live a surrendered life. You cannot do things your own way and think you will have peace. Start living for God and stop living for yourself. Peace is there if you want it.

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